News: Vancouver Real Estate Market
Posted on
July 20, 2020
David Reimers
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Attached Homes, Canada Home Prices, Canada Homes, Covid-19 Data, COVID-19 impact on home prices, Customers, Detached Homes, Federal Government Programs, Financial Fitness, Home Buyer, Home Owners, Home Prices, Homebuying Trends, Real Estate, Real Estate Surveys, Survey Results, Survey Statistics
In partnership with Environics, Genworth Canada is excited to share the results of their recent Homeownership and Financial Fitness Study.

Prior to COVID-19, Canadians and Canadian homeowners were showing their strongest financial fitness to date. Social isolation, job loss, remote work, and other sacrifices resulted in a decline on Canadians' financial fitness overall, but by less than it certainly would have been without federal government programs and mortgage deferrals. Getting Canadians back...
Posted on
June 10, 2020
David Reimers
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Attached Homes, BC Home Sales, BCREA, BCREA Forecast, British Columbia Real Estate Association, Covid-19 impact on home prices, Detached Homes, Greater Vancouver, Home Buyers, Home Owners, Housing Forecast, Metro Vancouver, MLS, Multiple Listing Service, Pandemic, Real Estate Market Forecast, Recession, Residential Sales
The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) has released its 2020 Second Quarter Forecast. According to the release, a 21% decline in Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) residential sales to approximately 61,000 units this year, after recording 77,347 residential sales in 2019. MLS® residential sales are forecast to increase by 45.3% to 88,500 units in 2021.

"The bright outlook for 2020 home sales has been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting recession," said Brendon Ogmundson,...
Posted on
May 13, 2020
David Reimers
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BC Home Sales, BCREA, British Columbia Real Estate Association, Covid-19 Housing Market Update, COVID-19 impact on home prices, Greater Vancouver, Home Buyers, Home Owners, Home Prices, Metro Vancouver, MLS, MLS Home Sales, MLS listings, Multiple Listing Service, Real Estate Market, Residential Homes, The New Normal
According to the British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA), there was a total of 3,284 residential units recorded by the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in April 2020. This is a decline of 50.8% from April 2019.

The average MLS® residential price in BC was $737,834, a 7.8% increase from $684,430 recorded the previous year. Total sales dollar volume in March was $2.4 billion, a 46.9% decrease over 2019.
"We expected to see a sharp drop in sales for April as we confronted the COVID-19...
Posted on
May 4, 2020
David Reimers
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Active MLS Listings, Apartment Homes, Attached Homes, BC Home Prices, BC Home Sales, Benchmark Price, Covid-19 impact on home prices, Detached Homes, Greater Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Real Estate, Metro Vancouver, MLS, Multiple Listing Service, Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver, Real Estate Sales, REBGV, Residential Home Sales
In April 2020, the residential home sales in the region totaled 1,109 as per the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV). This is a 39.4% decrease from the 1,829 sales recorded in April 2019 and a 56.1% decrease from the 2,524 homes sold in March 2020.

"Predictably, the number of home sales and listings declined in April given the physical distancing measures in place," Colette Gerber, REBGV’s president-elect said. "People are, however, adapting. They’re working with their Realtors...
Posted on
April 24, 2020
David Reimers
Posted in
2020 Market Report, Aggregate Home Price, Canada Home Prices, City of Vancouver, Condominium, COVID-19 impact on home prices, First Quarter, Greater Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Housing, Home Price, Market Forecast, Market Statistics, Metro Vancouver, Real Estate Sales, Residential Homes, RLP Market Forecast, Royal LePage Market Forecast
Canada's aggregate home prices are predicted to grow 1% by the end of 2020 in a best-case scenario. If the restrictions remain in place through late summer, a national home price decrease of 3% is expected by the end of 2020. In the first quarter of 2020, the aggregate home price in Canada climbed 4.4% year-over-year.

Where does Greater Vancouver stand in all of this?
During the first quarter of 2020, the aggregate price of a home in Greater Vancouver decreased by 2.1% year-over-year to $1,083,166...